Visitor Policy

Visitor Policy

On April 6, 2022, the Florida State Legislature signed into law “No Patient Left Alone Act”, Section 408.823, Florida Statute. The law was enacted as a result of many facilities struggling to find a balance between an infectious disease and family or essential caregivers having access to family members in residence with Independent, Assisted or Nursing Home Living.

The visitation policies and procedures required by this statute allow in-person visitation by essential caregivers in each of the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:

● End of life situation
● A resident who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support
● A resident making one or more major medical decisions
● A resident that is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family member or friend who recently passed away
● A resident that needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver
● A resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking

The Vineyard Inn Assisted Living Facility requires the following procedures to comply with the April 2022 statue related to visitation:

● Each person, upon entering the main door of the facility, is to have their temperature taken.
● Each person is to sign in. The sign-in sheets distinguish between visitors and staff/clinicians/vendors.
● Upon sign-in, each person is required to complete a health screening questionnaire (no proof of vaccination or immunization are required).
● Each person entering the building is required to follow the facility’s procedures for infection control measures. The use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) by visitors should mimic that which is required of the staff at the given time.

The Vineyard Inn Assisted Living Facility will have visiting hours of 9 am and 9 pm. This is in compliance with FS 429.28 (1)(d). Visitation outside of these hours will be allowed with prior notice to the facility, to ensure that access to the building is granted and proper screening may take place. The facility does not place a time limit for the duration of a visit. There is currently NO limit to the numbers of visitors a resident can receive at a time.

The facility maintains its mandate that masks should be worn by all staff; clinicians; vendors and visitors, while inside the facility at any time, and can mandate all visitors and staff to wear masks upon a confirmed case of an infectious disease. Social distance is encouraged to limit exposure of infectious diseases. Consensual physical contact between a resident and a family member or visitor is allowed. The facility will continue to follow its infection control protocol of sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces in the building. Frequent hand washing and sanitizing is encouraged.

The facility may discourage in-person visitation with visitors with a confirmed infectious disease, or symptomatic of an infectious disease until meeting criteria to end isolation. If visitation cannot be discouraged, the visitors will be asked to wear PPE upon entrance to The Vineyard Inn.

The Vineyard Inn Assisted Living Facility is committed to the health and happiness of our residents. This commitment includes their right to visitation. If you or a resident of our facility have been denied or met opposition when attempting to visit, please see the administration. You are also encouraged to file a complaint with the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA). You may file complaints with AHCA via their dedicated phone line, 1-888-419-3456 / 800-955-8771 Florida Relay Service (TDD number) or the Licensed Healthcare Facility Complaint Form:

The Administration of The Vineyard Inn Assisted Living Facility welcomes any questions or comments regarding this policy. Sandra Houser, Administrator, or Brandon Tucker, Assistant Administrator, is responsible for ensuring staff compliance with this policy. You may reach us at 727-391-9611.